Monday, February 17, 2020

White Collar Crime Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

White Collar Crime - Term Paper Example White collar crimes are less obvious due to their ability to incorporate legitimate and criminal behavior. Whether committed by corporations or individuals, white collar crimes cause serious financial and social repercussions in the society. These crimes tend to increase the cost of doing business, which is in turn passed on to consumers in the form of increased prices and decreased services. Victims of white collar crimes and all members of society affected by these crimes experience emotional consequences, which include violation of trust, stress from victimization, and damage to public morale. Categories of crime include fraud, conspiracy, embezzlement, tax evasion, and money laundering. All these types of crimes have different magnitude of negative impact in the society, and this report has recommended turf penalties to be imposed on those who are implicated. The issues are recurrent and are likely to reoccur with the emergence of new opportunities, therefore, measures should be taken to avoid loss of property, money, markets, or personal possessions. For that reason, the society has the responsibility to deploy its private and public administrative, law enforcement resources and research in trying to contain white collar crime. White collar crime Introduction The phrase white collar crime best describes a violence free method of obtaining money illegally. With regards to criminology, Edward Sutherland was the first to use the phrase during the 1939 speech to the American Sociological Society. In 1940, more than forty years ago, Sutherland coined the term white collar crime. ... In the early 1930s, the passage of the first securities act laid a powerful foundation for the legislative weapons against financial fraud as it saw the prosecution of bankers and government officials for abuse of trust; whereas the federal mail fraud statute took a key role as part of an extensive law enforcement tool against business fraud. Furthermore, a president of the New York Stock Exchange was convicted before Sunderland discovered white collar crime. Nevertheless, he discovered white collar crime for the American criminologists; and although it has been dormant, white collar crime has been a top agenda for over forty years (Glovin, 2009). White collar crimes often relate to crimes that have to do with large finances yet no physical violence takes place (Levi, 2010). The same rights and protections given to defendants of other crimes are accorded to people accused of white collar crimes. White collar crimes involve most of the legal principles as other crimes, but they are co mplex than other crimes as they involve complicated legal and factual issues. Criminal forfeiture, fines, restitution and prison sentences are among the penalties involved in white collar crimes. A consultation with an experienced white collar criminal defense attorney should be the first option for anyone charged with white collar crime. Discussion White collar crimes vs blue collar crimes What is available to the potential offender constitutes the function of the types of crimes committed. Therefore, the risks to engage in crime are lower in those employed in unskilled environments and living in inner-city areas as compared to those who live in prosperity and where large financial transactions take place. Shoplifting and vandalism are types of blue

Monday, February 3, 2020

Meteorites Evidence in Support of Solar Nebular Hypothesis Research Paper

Meteorites Evidence in Support of Solar Nebular Hypothesis - Research Paper Example This theory has been widely accepted because it is thought to provide a worthwhile explanation of the orbital properties of the solar system and the way planets orbit less or more in the same plane (Abruzzo 44). According to this theory, originally, there existed a big cloud of gas and dust, which became unstable, probably because of the shock waves originating from the nearby density waves or supernova. The part of the cloud, which was the densest begun collapsing under the force of gravity. This force of gravity, then pulled the gas and dust towards the center point of the cloud. The cloud was forced to take a spherical shape, thereby becoming a protostar. Increased centrifugal force or rotation of gas and dust caused this cloud to form a flattened shape or accretion disk around it (Abruzzo 46). According to this hypothesis, this explains why the rotating disk if gas and dust is solar Nebula. A number of studies have sought to confirm this hypothesis, however, the practically of th is hypothesis has never been illustrated as it has been illustrated in the American Museum of national History (AMHH). American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) has been one of the world prominent scientific institutions, known for its exhibitions and collections, which illuminate of the Earths evolutions, right from the origin of the present planet to its present form. AMNH is New York Icon. I have always wondered how everything came into being. The mystery of life and therein has been a closely contested subject. Besides, it has always been my dream to visit AMNH and learn of the scientific evidence located in meteorites supports Solar Nebula Hypothesis. Recently, I made my way into the AMNH. The Museum is located at Central park West on the 79th Street and is easily accessed by public transport. Driving to the museum, I got inclined to give a benefit of doubt, though I had no basic grasp of the real evidence for the Solar Nebular Hypothesis. The main entrance to the Rose Center for Earth and Space is situated at 81st Street between the Columbus Avenue and Central Park West. Although I have a perso nal car, I chose public transport perhaps to evade the huge parking fees. When I arrived at 10 am, I was surprised to find many uniformed police at the entrance, directing traffic. The heavy police presence depicted the 9-11post security situations. Perhaps, this shows the importance of the structure under close security. I marveled at the structure  it was huge yet with a modern style. While, at the museum, I sought direction to the Arthur Ross Hall of Meteorites. The hall is situated on the far end of the AMNH bordering Sacker Educational library to the south and The Hall of Minerals to the East. First, we watched a movie in the Meteorite Theater, located in the Hall along the Planet Wall display. The movie was breathtaking. It brought into perspective the events that took place million years ago. In essence, the film presented the role of meteorites and their connectedness to the history of the solar system. This offered a solid foundation for the understanding of the concepts later presented in the exhibition. I came across one of this displays which stated that meteorite were rocks from space, which had survived their passage in the universe to land to the surface of the Earth. Some meteorites, are often heard or seen, when they fall and are collected afterwards while other are discovered later. The size of meteorites varies, in that some are large to cause craters upon falling while others are small and one need a help magnifying equipments to vie them. They take different forms, where some resemble igneous rocks, and others are metals. Despite their variation in terms of appearance, size, and manner of discovery, they are all pieces of different bodies in space,