Thursday, January 9, 2020

Graduation Speech College Graduate Essay - 2111 Words

Libbi Rettew Vynalek, Virginia Tech, realized she had a lot to learn about money. â€Å"I was the girl who never paid her dues on time every September and had pennies in my checking account,† says Libbi, 29. â€Å"I was living paycheck to paycheck and having my credit card declined at the store.† After graduating from Virginia Tech in 2011, Libbi was petrified of her student loan debt even though, at $10,000, it was less than average for graduates. â€Å"Coming out of college, it seemed like a lot of money and I just avoided it. Debt collectors were calling all the time,† she says. Although, â€Å"They all were so nice.† Every college graduate faces a learning curve when it comes to starting his or her financial life. Most make a few mistakes, but all of them have an opportunity to build a strong financial footing that can last a lifetime. In the last decade, however, recent grads have faced a stiffer challenge than those of the past. Millennials graduate with more student debt into a slower-growing national economy that’s reduced job opportunities while facing options that can dig a young person deeply into debt in ways earlier generations never faced. Millennials also need to deal with the challenges of providing for their own retirement in a world that’s gone from guaranteed pensions after decades in the same job to a do-it-yourself world of individual retirement accounts, 401(k)s and other alphabet soup. Workers have to provide for themselves as they shift from job to job. A study fromShow MoreRelatedGraduation Speech : Graduate College1553 Words   |  7 PagesEnglish school environment until I got to high school. In high school, I realized how important it was to embrace my native tongue. Not everyone does that, especially during high school, thus influencing my decision to go to college and major in Spanish. My plan is to graduate college, receive a teaching credential to teach high school students not only how to learn the language or improve on it but to embrace the beautiful language that it is.    I had been thinking about majoring in Liberal StudiesRead MoreGraduation Speech : College Graduate951 Words   |  4 Pages After graduating college, many aspects of your life start to change. For example, now you have to find a full-time job within your degree, your social life starts changing, you are no longer able to afford the same luxuries as before, and lastly you are learning how to live independently without the help of your parents. Now is the time to move to the next phrase in your life, away from everything you once knew. Graduating college can be an exciting time for many students; however, trying toRead MoreGraduation Speech : College Graduates1663 Words   |  7 PagesStates, the outlook for recent college graduates seems bleak. In 2014, graduates left college with both a degree and an average of $28,950 in student loan debt (â€Å"Survey of the States† 1). In addition, over half of all millennials are having trouble saving for the future and seventy five percent were unaware of late payment charges on their credit cards (ibid). All of this builds up into the current situation in the United States, where collectively, college graduates have over one trillion dollarsRead MoreGraduation Speech : Becoming A College Graduate2078 Words   |  9 Pages Becoming a college graduate is a milestone that most parents instill in their children. Statistics show that seventy-six percent of parents work passed retirement age and sixty-eight percent would take a second job just to give their children the opportunity to go to college. They view this as investment in their children’s future. This sacrifice will help their children in the long run. 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