Sunday, May 10, 2020

Marijuana Use Should be Legal Essay - 932 Words

Marijuana Use Should be Legal The issue of the legalization of Marijuana is a never-ending battle that the country will never fully win. Marijuana should be legalized because it is a large part of the drug war, which will never come to an end. Society is in the midst of a time of anguish and skepticism of what will become of the nation. With all of the problems happening around us, the government and officials should begin to realize that the time and effort spent on battling the drug, marijuana, could be better used in other areas. One of the first issues of the legalization of marijuana is its comparison to alcohol. Since 1937, marijuana has been prohibited as a legal drug in the United States:†¦show more content†¦This is the result of an increase in drug arrests between 1980 and 1992. The increase in violent offenders incarcerated during that time was only about 50 percent; therefore the majority of felons that are incarcerated should not be looked at as a danger to society (Schlosser, 1994, p.93). If the country wants to deal with the problem of overcrowded prisons, it should look more closely at who should and shouldn’t be incarcerated. The economic benefits of legalizing marijuana would also be substantial. Not only would the government receive revenue from marijuana taxation, farmers would also be able to grow hemp, which was an important source of fiber for rope, cloth, and paper in the United States years ago. Studies have also shown that Marijuana could be used for medicinal purposes as well. According to Bill Zimmerman, executive director of the AMR, â€Å"It seems the ship of state is beginning to turn on the issue of medical use of marijuana.† Recently, chemicals found in marijuana were found to be similar to naturally occurring chemicals in the body. This chemical is related to nerve sites that control pain, memory, motor functioning, nausea and internal eye pressure. These findings have provoked more exploration into medicinal and therapeutic uses of marijuana. Through other studies, marijuana has been found to be aShow MoreRelatedMarijuana Should Be Legal For Recreational Use873 Words   |  4 PagesRevised: There will be medical benefits if marijuana was legal for recreational use. Premise: Street justice related to drug disputes would be reduced resulting in less crowding in prisons. Revised: Legalizing marijuana will result in less crowding in prisons. Premise: States gain profit from taxing marijuana Revised: States benefit financially from the legalization of marijuana. Conclusion: Marijuana should be legal for recreational use. Marijuana has been used in herbal remedies for centuriesRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal For Recreational Use?853 Words   |  4 Pagestreat. When you are addicted for long periods of time, your dependency on it is like having to breath. Without it you will die. In America even marijuana which is debatably just as harmful as tobacco and alcohol, can put you in jail from from 1-5 years for possession and 10 to life for selling or growing. Now in some states it is legal for recreational use, so this topic has gained some attention where people in other states have already been in jail for a long time for doing what someone in anotherRead MoreMarijuana Should Be Legal For Medical Use Essay916 Words   |  4 Pagesdescribe recreational use of marijuana and the acute effects it has. I will then examine the laws of my home state of Illinois on the legalization of medicinal marijuana and the amounts allowed to be dispensed to a patient. Lastly I will provide my position on marijuana and support my stand with a solution from a scholarly source. Medicinal The debate over the legalization of marijuana is a hot topic. 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Today we will discuss why weed needs to be legal for medical and recreational use, how weed is a harmless medication and not addicting, and how lives would be better if weed was lawful and how the economy would be better if weed was legitimate. A great many people in today s publicRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legal For Recreational Use?1150 Words   |  5 PagesMarijuana, or cannabis, is a drug that has had legalization remain a question in the United States for several years. In countries such as Bangladesh, North Korea, and Uruguay, marijuana is completely legal for recreational use. In America, the states Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska have also legalized recreational use. While there are many disadvantages of the use of cannabis, there are also some potentially useful advantages. Marijuana is a mixture of dried-out leaves, stems, flowersRead MoreWhy Marijuana Should Be Legalized1014 Words   |  5 Pagesreason that marijuana should be legal is that there is no good reason for it not to be legal. Some people ask why should marijuana be legalized? but we should ask Why should marijuana be illegal? From a philosophical point of view, individuals deserve the right to make choices for themselves. The government only has a right to limit those choices if the individuals actions endanger someone else. This does not apply to marijuana, since the individual who chooses to use marijuana does so accordingRead MoreEssay Astonishing Statistics of Marijuana Use in Minors1539 Words   |  7 Pagesmillion Americans ages 12 and over have reported to using marijuana at least once within the previous year. That number alone is an astonishing statistic on marijuana users. Although marijuana has been a drug with increasing popularity especially throughout the past couple of years due to the legalization in some states. In November of 2012 history was made when Washington and Colorado both legalized marijuana for recreational use. Although marijuana is considered to be a Schedule 1 drug, which means itRead MoreThe History and Possible Legalization of Marijuana Essay1165 Words   |  5 PagesDrug Laws There has never been a death from marijuana overdose. â€Å"A person would have to smoke 20,000 to 40,000 times the amount of THC in a joint to overdose† (Wing). Marijuana was classified as an illegal drug in 1970, because it can be abused very easily (â€Å"infoplease†). Marijuana was then grown indoors. Marijuana is illegally used by many people daily. Marijuana should be legalized because it is naturally grown and can be used to help cancer patients, relieve stress, and be used daily. CannabisRead MoreWhy Marijuana Should be Legalized Essay example1689 Words   |  7 PagesDebate on why Marijuana should be legalized Marijuana is a public name for an illegal substance (drug) produced from the Cannabis (Cannabis sativa) plant. It is also called weed, ganja, grass, kaya and pot. The drug has many chemical compounds and in particular, it has THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) which is responsible for changing mind functions leading to alternations of cognition, mood, behavior, perception and consciousness. â€Å"It is the most widely used illicit substance in the world† (World

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