Monday, November 11, 2019


Washington was raised by a single mother and is the youngest of eight children. All of her older siblings and her mother were teen parents. Growing up, she learned what kind of person she wanted to be – pretty much nothing like her siblings. She was determined to break the stereotype of being a young Hispanic woman who came from a family where teenage pregnancy was the norm. Many of her siblings did not graduate high school and none of them had attended college.As a student who loved school, Gabby as In the top five percent of her graduating class. So when she decided to pretend she was pregnant for six months for her final senior research project, most of her slings were disappointed that she had â€Å"ruined her life. † Cabby's mother, her boyfriend Jorge, her sister Sonny, and her best friend Salad knew about her project, along with a couple of school administrators and experts who gave her advice on how to have a believable pregnancy.She writes, â€Å"My mall goal was to make my peers take teen pregnancy seriously – if it could happen to me, it could happen to them – and encourage them to make responsible decisions about their bodies and sexuality. † I agree with that statement because it could happen to anyone if they don't know how to take responsible decisions of themselves. â€Å"Every single one of you has the power to go to college and graduate, and I challenge each of you to take this as an example. You have to fight for what you want in life. You can't live your life under a stereotype. This quote basically explains the picture I drew in the front. I drew a girl that is a pregnant because Gabby Rodriguez faked a pregnant for her Enron project to teach others not to stereotype others Just by a mistake they have done, and just because that person made one mistake doesn't mean that person wont continue to fight for what they want in life and achieve their goals they have set lust cause of a mistake, which everyone do ne plenty of times, so don't judge or stereotype others if you haven't been in their shoes.My personal statement about this book is it was actually a really good book. It taught me not to Judge others in any circumstance and also to be bless of what I have in my life because others have it reader and might not have the things I have so I shouldn't take it for granted. Also it taught me to believe in myself and don't let anything in the way of what I'm trying to succeed In life. One-pager By denial 113 was in the top five percent of her graduating class.So when she decided to pretend siblings were disappointed that she had â€Å"ruined her life. † Gabby mother, her boyfriend Jorge, her sister Sonny, and her best friend Said knew about her project, to have a believable pregnancy. She writes, â€Å"My main goal was to make my peers take Greer with that statement because it could happen to anyone if they don't know how this as an example. You have to fight for what you want in l ife.You can't live your life done, and Just because that person made one mistake doesn't mean that person won't continue to fight for what they want in life and achieve their goals they have set just cause of a mistake, which everyone done plenty of times, so don't Judge or stereotype others if you haven't been in their shoes. My personal statement about harder and might not have the things I have so I shouldn't take it for granted. Also it succeed in life.

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