Saturday, November 16, 2019

Shakespeare’s Othello Essay Example for Free

Shakespeare’s Othello Essay Answer to Q.# 1: The first scene of Act I serves as a part of exposition of a play. It acquaintances us with the major characters and situation and indicates its theme. In Othello Iago’s evil intention and conspiring nature is revealed, as much as his hatred for the Moor who denies him the promotion and chooses for his lieutenant an arithmetician, â€Å"a bookish theoric† (1.1.24) So the Iago’s motive for villainy is revealed to the audience. Then the rest of the story is his single-minded pursuit of Othello’s ruin by poisoning his mind with jealousy as he confesses to Roderigo that he is one of those who â€Å"Keep yet their hearts attending on themselves,/ And, throwing but shows of service on their lords. †(1.1.51-52) His cold-blooded nature and plan of relentless revenge are clear from his speech: â€Å"I follow him to serve my turn upon him;†(1.1.42) He also suffers from a sense of injured merit when he says, â€Å"I know my price, I am worth no worse a place;† (1.1.11) and bemoans the fact that â€Å"Preferment goes by letter and affection,/ Not by old gradation.†(1.1.36-37) His dissembling nature is exposed: â€Å"I am not what I am.†(1.1.65) The theme of Othello’s tragedy due to   Iago’s slow-poisoning of his mind is well illustrated here. Answer to Q.#.3: Being gullible, Othello becomes a puppet in the hands of the villain who he calls â€Å"honest† Iago. Stung by obsessive jealousy, Othello determines to kill his beloved Desdemona on the ground of unfaithfulness. But a   hesitating Othello stands watching sleeping Desdemona. When invited to bed, he kisses her and   tells her to say her prayer so that her soul goes to heaven after death. In every way Othello proves himself a lover – though a confused headstrong one. His self assessment is succinctly expressed which seems quite fair: â€Å" one who lov’d not wisely but too well.†(5. 2.344) In spite of his passionate love for his wife, Othello kills her because of his uncontrollable jealousy. He abstains from spilling her blood and cannot bear killing her in light. As Desdemona pleads innocence he smothers her to death. When Emilia confesses to stealing her handkerchief at the behest of Iago, Othello discovers his blunder is too late to mend; yet he stabs himself   as punishment.

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